A-Lert Construction Services

Entry Level

While we employ LOTS of general laborers, A-Lert also offers opportunities to develop specific craft skills and credentials through your work experience. This will significantly and quickly improve your pay. 

Some of our locations also offer 4 year apprenticeships where you will receive both formal and on-the-job training in selected crafts, each year receiving an advanced level of pay.

If you’re looking for a career that:

  • is projected to have growing nationwide demand well into the future
  • provides great on-the-job learning opportunities
  • pays upwards of $20 - $30/hr within 5 years (or less)
  • doesn’t require a college degree (and AVOIDS the typical $40K in college debt!)
  • won’t be replaced by a robot

…then we encourage you to begin the path toward a career as a skilled craft professional.